LOTD: Once Upon a Time's Belle Inspired Look

by - Tuesday, June 26, 2012

"You know, there aren't a lot of opportunities for women in this land, to show what they can do; to see the world, to be heroes. So when you arrived, that was my chance. I always wanted to be brave. I figured, do the brave thing and bravery would follow."

It's official: I'm obsessed with Once Upon a Time! I love watching two versions of the characters in each episode. You get the modern version in Storybrooke and you get the fairy tale version in the Enchanted Kingdom. One female character that I adore is Belle played by Emilie de Ravin. So without further ado, here's an LOTD inspired by Belle.

  Belle's look is very feminine but not over the top girly. Her eye makeup is neutral, paired with matte red lips, sometimes toned down fuchsia.

1. After priming the lids, I used an Elizabeth Arden eyeshadow called Mauve Pink. This shadow doesn't show off as pink. In fact, it is very subtle which makes it perfect as a lid color. It has a satin finish.

2. Next, I used the shadow Naked from the Naked palette to warm up my crease.

3. To make the eyes look warmer and to give it more dimension, I used the shadow Buck. I concentrated first on the outer v then dragged it slightly on the crease, blending it almost with Naked.

4. For brow bone highlight, I used Virgin.

5. Using a black gel liner, I lined my eyes as close to my lashline as possible.The sole purpose of the liner is to help blend the falsies later.

6. Curl you lashes, apply mascara, and apply natural looking falsies.

7. This step is optional but for this look, I applied MAC eye kohl in Fascinating on my inner rims to help open/brighten my eyes and achieve doll-like eyes.

8. Apply blush. You could either use a peach or a pink blush.

9. For the lips, you can either do two things: use a matte red lipstick or use lip pencils. I first used The Body Shop's Rosy Red and filled my lips. After that, I applied The Body Shop's Mauve Berry on top to tone down the brightness of the first liner.

More photos of final look!
"Love is hope; it fuels our dreams, and if you're in it, you need to enjoy it because love doesn't always last forever." -Belle, Episode 14: Dreamy

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  1. OOh love these inspired looks posts! Your lip shade is perfect. Keep these posts up. I'm actually doing something similar on my style blog, but with Asian Dramas (my lovesss). Would love it if you could check it out! Follow my blog if you like my posts :D


