Yellows, Purples, and Pinks

by - Monday, January 24, 2011

  Yesterday, Mom and I went to the mall to do the usual things we do: pay bills, buy my medicine, look around. I got so excited when Mom told me she saw Bakers Depot selling something I've been wanting to try: macarons. 

  I've been wanting to try Bizu's macarons, and when I saw these I decided to try them. They may have different colors, but unlike Bizu's, they don't have different flavors. But they have different fillings. The pink ones have a salty cream filling, the purple ones have a coconut filling, and I'm not sure what the filling of the yellow ones is. But according to my mom, the yellow ones are the most delicious, the most macaron-tasting. 

  Bakers Depot sells each box for 75php. One box has 6 pieces.

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