Book Talk: Epic Fail

by - Sunday, July 22, 2012

Over the course of the next four hours, I discovered that:

1. Classes at Coral Tree Prep were really small. When we got to English, I was worried that half the class would get EMDs or whatever they were called because there were fewer than a dozen kids in the room. But when Ms. Phillips came in, she said, “Good—everyone’s here, let’s get started,” and I realized all the kids were there.

2. The campus grounds were unbelievably green and seemed to stretch on for acres. I kept gazing out the window, wishing I could escape and go rolling down the grassy hills that lined the fields.

3. Teachers at Coral Tree Prep didn’t like you to stare out the window and would tell you so in front of the entire class who would then all turn and stare at The New Girl Who Wasn’t Paying Attention.

4. Everyone at Coral Tree Prep was good-looking. Really. Everyone. I didn’t see a single fat or ugly kid all morning. Maybe they just locked them up at registration and didn’t let them out again until graduation.

5. Girls here wore every kind of footwear imaginable, from flip-flops to spike-heeled mules to UGG boots (despite the sunny, 80-degree weather), EXCEPT for sneakers. I guess those marked you as fashion-impaired.

6. I was wearing sneakers.

  Epic Fail is yet another young adult book that I consider a light read, just like Dash and Lily's Book of Dares. I saw this book on my friend's Twitter and since I was looking for something new to read, I decided to get it. I'm really glad I did because I really liked it.

  The story was written in the perspective of Elise Benton, a new student at Coral Tree Prep with her sister, Juliana. I guess Coral Tree Prep is comparable with Duchesne, the school in Melissa de la Cruz' Blue Bloods, minus the vampirism of course. There they meet new friends and love interests, Derek Edwards and Chase Baldwin. I like Derek. He's the cold, moody, popular guy who falls in love with Elise. I like how he's not overly mysterious to the point where he'll appear out of nowhere or he becomes the creepy, observant guy. I also like how he warms up to Elise. From the start, you can actually feel the connection between them so I was really rooting for them while I was reading. I was also intrigued about his coldness to Webster Grant, another new friend of Elise. Also, I like Elise. She's not the lovesick girl or the girl who waits for her prince charming. She often clashes with Derek because of him being mercurial, but I think it was the reason why they can't seem to stay away from each other. Also, she's not the kind of person who wants to fit in.

  I also like how Elise interacts with other people, like Derek's parents, the mean girl Chelsea, her own parents, and sisters. I also like the fact that she doesn't really care that Derek's parents are famous; she likes Derek for who he is. Period.

  All in all, Epic Fail is a pretty good YA book. It made me smile and giggle. Why can't real life be like this? /cries

I leave you with a snippet that I like the most: a Derek/Elise moment.

"Fine," he said finally. "I made the mistake of mentioning to her once that there was a girl at school I liked who didn't like me back. You happy now?"
"And that was me?"
He rocked back on his heels with a deep sigh. "You're a little bit of an idiot, you know that?"
"Did you tell her how rude you were to me at first?" I said. "Or did you make it sound like it was all my fault?"
"All I told her was that I didn't have a chance in hell with you."
"Well then," I said, looking down, feeling my cheeks turn hot, "who's the idiot now?" When I had the courage to glance up at him again, he was grinning.

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