So. I'm back. Sorry if I've been MIA for two weeks, guess I'm still in vacation mode. :P I spent four days in Cebu before flying to Singapore with my sister and her family. So yay, I'm back in SG! I swear I've been wanting to write something...
When I got myself a bottle of cleansing water, it was because I was on a makeup remover high. I didn't know anything about it and I definitely wasn't aware that it's a current hype in the beauty world. If you're expecting something known and pricey, read something...
Hey you, hope you had a wonderful weekend! The last few days were holy for me hence the lack of posts last week but don't worry, everything's back to normal now. Today's a bit different for an EOTD post; as you can see from the title, I've got...
Hi there! I'm Shaunne and welcome to Shash Stash, my ramble-filled blog about anything under the sun. Here's where you'll see my love affair with fitness, baking, & beauty.