My Current Day & Night Facial Cleansers

by - Thursday, March 30, 2017

Squeaky clean face, thanks to these.

I don't know about you but the hot humid weather (hello, summer!) here in the Philippines is making my skin oil up like no other! Like seriously, I've never experienced an oil spill on my face until now. Oil on my face plus sweat? Ugh, it makes my skin look and feel like a stinking mess! That right there is exactly why I wash my face twice a day, to get rid of the gunk and stickiness and all the nasties. I'm happy to report that I've two cleansers that seem to be working great on my skin: a gentle but effective cleanser for day and a heavier, more potent cleanser for night. 

I love using the Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser in the morning for two reasons: it's gentle and light and it effectively removes any gunk and impurity on my face. It's the type of cleanser that doesn't lather up; it's quite like a thick water-based moisturizer, to be honest, based on appearance and texture. The Gentle Skin Cleanser can be used two ways: rinse with water or wipe away with a soft cloth. (I prefer doing the former because I like my face free of any product.)

I like that this product, no matter how gentle it is, is able to remove any trace of oil, sweat, and other skincare product I have on my face without drying or irritating my skin. It is quite soothing too and makes my skin feel soft and hydrated. I don't use this for heavy cleansing though because I find it quite light. But if you're someone with sensitive skin and someone who prefers their cleanser scentless, I recommend trying this one.

I prefer a heavier, rougher cleanser at night because I just want all the gunk gone, you know? I love facial scrubs at night because they're such an experience to use and I feel like the beads/exfoliators just make my skin cleaner and cleaner. As far as facial scrubs go, I love using the ones from Pond's. So far, any Pond's facial cleanser is effective on my skin but my favorite would have to be the Clear Solutions Antibacterial + Clarity Facial Scrub. Antibacterial? YES, PLEASE! My oiliness is one problem but breaking out because of it is out of the freaking question! I like that this facial scrub is designed for removing acne-causing bacteria. 

The consistency of this is quite thick, like a clay mask, probably because it has herbal clay incorporated in it. The beads aren't too rough on the skin; they exfoliate as you rub but eventually melt away. After use, your skin will feel clean. Not moisturized or soft but clean. That's why I follow up with a lightweight moisturizer, just so my face doesn't feel to dry and cement-like. But as far as heavy cleansing goes, this one's a keeper.

So that's pretty much the cleansers I use that seem to be working on me this summer season! Every time I wash my face with either, my face feels cleaner and product-ready, and most importantly, oil-free! Like always, I'm on the hunt for any facial cleaners to try. Anything I should put on my radar?

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