Active Recap: Quad XXXV

by - Monday, April 20, 2020


Welcome to Active Recap, where I talk/share/review the workout vids I did for the last four days. Please refer to this post to know a bit more about Active Recap and my workout format and sched.



I know I usually start the quads with either a HIIT or LI cardio routine but I thought I'd change things...for this day, at least. Today I'll open with a full body weighted routine and lemme tell you: it's HOT FIRE FLAMES, BABY!! This routine is EVERYTHING. It worked my glutes, my legs, my core, my arms and it also have me a good low impact cardio in the side as well. Seriously, I didn't expect to sweat so hard after this workout! Even though this workout has no plyos, the exercises here will challenge you just fine, not to mention the use of weights throughout this routine will increase (or decrease) its intensity.

I also liked the format of the routine, with each exercise done twice: first is 45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest then the second time is 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest. I feel like this type of format really maximized each exercise and it also increased the burn. Honestly, this routine was awesome!

Burnout round is more for the glutes and I guess a bit more "chill". This routine was the perfect burnout routine because this really targeted my glutes and legs and although they're chair exercises, they're still challenging, especially when you do them 4 times. There's a jumping exercise here but to tell you the truth, I only did it for the first round then I just modified for the next three rounds (modifications were: incline plank to bear plank, alternating single leg deadlifts, and squat hold). I loved/hated the assisted pistol squats because let's be honest, they're so good for the glutes but quite hard to do! So yeah, overall a great partner for the first circuit!

Workout duration: around 57 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up and cool down not included.


A more glute burnout circuit for today. Honestly, I didn't think this would get me, but it DID. This routine was pretty intense, not gonna lie. The exercises here are mostly low impact although there are some that are cardio bursts that will get your heart rate instantly up. I liked that there are no repeats in this routine but personally, I wouldn't repeat it because it's, like, so darn hard!! Absolutely great glute circuit though!!

I first thought pairing this routine with the first circuit was a bit odd but I'm so glad I did because this was such a delight to do after the first 3 intense circuits. I loved the flow and the quick cardio section. I'd say this is more of an energizing flow than a relaxing flow because this will get your body warm and heart rate up while also giving your whole body a deep stretch. The overall vibe of this flow is just delightful and I absolutely recommend doing this, especially if you're into yoga (or after doing intense routines!)

Workout duration: around 56 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up not included, cool down stretch included.


New day, new full body weighted workout. This routine is like Whitney's routine in Day A's baby sister as this one's shorter and a teeny tiny bit easier. The exercises here are supersets, one lower body-focused exercise immediately followed by an upper body exercise. Each exercise is 10 reps done thrice through. What I love about this routine is that the exercises really focus on the targeted muscle group so even though it's just 10 reps for each round, you really feel the burn because they're done in slightly slow pace and the tension's just maintained throughout. This was such a nice routine to do and I won't mind doing it again!

I know I always train arms but I thought I'd swap that out for a more back-focused routine. Not gonna lie, I thought this was such an easy routine but when I got to the last half of the routine? Oooh boy, it burned! I liked that this routine was challenging without being too strenuous and I absolutely loved the stretches and exercises for the back and posterior chain. I did this routine while having a stiff neck and some of the exercises here quite helped with the pain haha! Do this if you like feel good and exercise-y stretches for you back.

Workout duration: around 58 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up not included, cool down stretch included.


You guys know how much I love pilates so I was pretty excited to do one for the upper body! This routine was so pleasing to do because the overall aura of this workout for me was just so zen- yes, even when working out. I like how everything's just calm and chill yet it still managed to work my muscles. I initially chose this workout for the arm circuit but I was pretty happy that not only did it work my arms, it also worked my back and core. This is a pretty low impact routine that you can do easily do on its own or while watching tv.

Since technically today's still an arm day, I did the arm circuit again immediately after finishing the whole workout just to really get that arm burn.

The second routine may be titled a back routine but trust me, it works more muscles than just the back. I was pretty surprised myself because this routine also worked my core and arms! Again, this is a low impact, mostly mat exercises, workout that you can easily do anytime, anywhere. This is a pretty quick routine so I just did it twice through. This worked up a sweat surprisingly! 

Workout duration: around 58 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up and cool down included.


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