Active Recap: XXXIV

by - Monday, April 13, 2020


Welcome to Active Recap, where I talk/share/review the workout vids I did for the last four days. Please refer to this post to know a bit more about Active Recap and my workout format and sched.



Opening this quad with a nice, heart-pounding workout. Honestly, I had no idea this would be a killer! 4 groups of 3 exercises, 2 of them are cardio and 1 toning. Each exercises is done 3 times, once in the beginning then the remaining 2 rounds are done back to back. And lemme tell you, the cardio exercises are brutal- this workout ain't playing around, man. The jumping jack burpees is like a warning already that this would be a sweaty one! Not gonna lie, there were times where I had to pause the video or at least modify some exercises because if I don't I might puke haha! Great 25 minute cardio workout, plus warm up and cool down are included already!

Little bit of an active recovery workout but still focuses on the legs plus the core. Pilates after a killer cardio workout is always a good idea because it still tones and works the muscles but slowly normalizes your heart rate, plus who doesn't love mat exercises? I enjoyed this workout, specifically the leg section because it was such a burner! I also loved the core and back exercises- always love bonus muscle work!

Workout duration: around 54 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up and cool down included.


If you're looking for a legit workout that will really work your glutes, legs, and calves with added bursts of cardio, this IS the workout to do. This workout right here is the bomb, the leg workout to do if you want a good burn. I swear, this made me pause the video quite frequently because I badly needed to catch my breath! The exercises here aren't low key or just for toning, the exercises here also double as low impact exercises that will maintain a constant up in heart rate. I'm so glad I survived this workout and I'm so glad I did it! The weights you use will also add or decrease the intensity but honestly, just bodyweight is enough to make you feel the burn. So good!


Because of glute soreness from yesterday's intense leg day workout, I figured it's best to do a low impact workout or an active recovery-ish workout today. No jumping, no plyos- just low key low impact dynamic exercises. This quick routine is a great opener because it's not only a low impact routine, it can also double as a warm up. The reps of the exercises are quite a lot but they didn't feel too intense because the exercises are combined with stretches, making the whole workout feel more of a warm up than an actual routine. I did this routine twice because it felt okay despite sore glutes haha!

Main core routine is a fun one that went by so quickly! There are 8 core exercises here, 40 secs on 20 secs off, and done for 3 rounds in total. I quite enjoyed this routine because the exercises are simple yet they really target the core. You also have the option to increase the intensity of the exercises so what I did was do the easier/simpler version of the exercise for the first 20 secs then progress to the more intense version for the last 20 secs. This just proves that you don't really need complicated exercises to target the core.

Workout duration: around 53 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up not included; short cool down stretch included.


Hope you're in for a cardio blast because this one's fast paced and will get you panting and sweating in no time. This routine is a proper cardio workout with quite a lot of plyos and a few low impact, but just as tiring, exercises. I swear, this was the kind of workout I'd avoid when I was still starting because it's just a lot; but now, I'm a little less scared because I know I can always modify and/or go at my own pace. This was such a great way to get the whole body warmed up and get the heart rate going. The core section was good, too. There were exercises that really got my core shaking and burning. Not bad for a 25 minute workout!

Ending on a more chill (but not too chill) note. I like doing mat only exercises after a heavy cardio routine so this was perfect. The core exercises in this routine is each done for 50 seconds with a 10 second rest after and I gotta say, they're all quite easy to do. Easy but will still get your core working and burning. I like the quite laid back feel to this workout because it feels more like an active recovery than an actual workout. The core section is quite a short section so I just doubled up to really burn the area out. Really enjoyed this one!

Workout duration: around 58 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up and cool down included. 


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