Electric Brow Razor: The Pros and Cons - Shash Stash

Electric Brow Razor: The Pros and Cons

by - Monday, January 27, 2025


Yep, TikTok made me buy it.

    If you haven't heard yet, there's a new brow grooming tool in town that I'm sure you've already heard about, especially if you've been endlessly scrolling on TikTok. Because it was always on my FYP, I finally caved in and bought one because: 1. it piqued my interest; and 2. it was on sale- and you know I can't resist a good deal! 

    The product that got me shelling out some money is an electric brow razor! Now I don't know about you but I personally just use a disposable hand brow razor (you know, the ones with the handles) to get clean out my brow areas and apparently, an electric brow razor is so much better than those. As someone who loves brow grooming, I just had to know if this new hot product is worthy of its hype...and if it can indeed replace my brow razors!

    I've been testing this product for almost a couple of months now and here's my list of pros and cons:


1. It's affordable. 

    Initially, I thought an electric brow shaver would cost more for the simple fact that it's electric and has more parts than a brow razor but turns out, they're pretty much the same price especially when they're on sale! The last time I bought just 1 brow razor, it cost me around Php55, while the electric brow razor (that was on sale) only cost me Php57. Even when it's not on sale, its regular price of Php149 is still wallet-friendly in my opinion.

2.  It's surprisingly easy to use.

     Not gonna lie, I was a bit unsure of how this product will work because again, it's not shaped as your typical brow razor, but once I actually used it, turns out it's just as easy! You hold it just like you would a pen, turn it on, and just start shaving off your unwanted brow hairs. Easy peasy! It's head-slash-shaver part is just the right size which makes it so easy to shave off hairs under, above, and on the sides of your brows.

3. It's definitely safer than a razor.

    Whenever I use my brow razors, I'm always in high alert because I don't want to nick myself and/or shave off my lashes in the process. Brow razors usually have the blades exposed so one wrong move and the next thing you know, you've shaved off more brow hairs than you wanted and gave yourself a nice little cut. With the electric one though, you don't have to worry about exposed blades because they're all under a metal cap, ensuring a safe and nick-free use.

    Speaking of blades, I find that the electric shaver's blades aren't that sharp which means that 1. you won't hurt yourself; and 2. it helps you to gradually shave off hairs instead of doing it in just one go. This helps you avoid over-shaving and over-shaping your brows which is great especially if you just want to clean them up.

4. It does a clean and painless job.

    Since an electric shaver is safer to use, I can really get into the brow areas I want to clean- and I mean really get into them. I do two to three passes on all areas which means I get a cleaner shave and a smoother skin. No more little stubs of hair yay!

    With the electric shaver, I don't feel any aftershave burn anymore! I always get aftershave burn with brow razors and I hate it because it stings a lot but thankfully, this shaver spares me from the pain every time. And that is reason enough to get your hands on this product haha!

5. It's rechargeable.

    If I remember correctly, electric brow shavers are either rechargeable or battery-operated and I'm so glad I got the rechargeable one! Can you imagine needing to clean up your brows only to find out that its battery is dead and you don't have a spare lying around?? At least with a rechargeable one, you can just plug it in, maybe wait 30 minutes to an hour, then it's up and running again. Plus, its charge lasts for a long time!

6. It's lightweight and doesn't take up space.

    It's pretty much just like having a pen in your bag, only its for shaving brows lol! I like that I can easily take it with me anywhere so I can easily clean up my brows (or others'!) on the go.


1. Its blades aren't as sharp.

    I know I've listed this one as a pro but I find that it's kind of a con as well. Since the blades aren't too sharp, you have to go back and forth on the hairs you want to shave off because sometimes the shaver doesn't cut them on the first pass. You also have to put a bit of pressure as well so that you shave off as close to the root as possible, something I don't have to do with a brow razor.

2. There's a learning curve to using it.

    Since the shaver part has kind of a domed head, you need to play around which side will shave the best. Is it top flat part? Or maybe the sides are better? It took me a while to figure this out but eventually, I learned that the flat part is best when doing general clean up while the edges are best for more targeted areas, like sides of the brows and along the edges of the under brow.

3. You need to be a bit careful when dismantling it.

    Since brow hairs can pile up inside, you'll need to dismantle the top part to dust them off. Dismantling it the first time can be a bit nerve-wracking because you obviously don't want to destroy the shaver. Thankfully, the little manual is a lot of help but putting it back together is just as nerve-wracking because if you put them back haphazardly, your shaver will either not work at all or the top part will be wobbly as hell.

4. No replaceable parts.

    Just like a brow razor, once the blades get dull, you chuck it out and replace it with a new one. With the shaver, you pretty much do the same since I haven't found any shop that sells just the blades for replacement. Once the shaver isn't working efficiently anymore, it's pretty much time to get a new one.

5. It might get mistaken as something else.

    Lastly, I DIDN'T WANT TO SAY THIS BUT I NEED TO BLURT IT OUT: this electric shaver sorta kinda looks like a........vibrator. THERE I SAID IT. If someone randomly sees this in your bag, they'll guess it's either a pen or a sex toy- definitely not a brow shaver. Funny thing is, this shaver vibrates too when it's turned on so there's that. (The puns are out of control I'm sorry LOL)

    And that's pretty much my list of Pros and Cons! Overall, I do think this was a good buy and I enjoy cleaning my brows more now thank to this shaver. I like that I don't have to be worried about nicks and shaving my lashes anymore, plus I like that it's different from all the brow razors I've used before. Let me know if I've convinced you enough to get this shaver and thanks for reading!

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