Nail of the Week: Twinkle "Christmas Polka"

by - Wednesday, March 20, 2013

  My nail polish of the week is Twinkle's Christmas Polka. I'd describe it as glitter and polka dot confetti in a clear base. I like wearing glitter nail polishes even if they're such a bitch to remove. They have interesting 3D-like textures and it's okay even if you commit polish booboo. Plus, they're pretty to wear them on their own or on top of any base coats. Christmas Polka's glitter is a combination of silver glitter and red and blue polka dot glitter/confetti. The only issue I have here is the clear base. Instead of a clean transparent color, it's clear with a yellow base. It's not really an issue for me but it does bug me sometimes. I'd probably layer this on a dark nail polish next time just so the yellow base won't be too obvious. But for now, I like wearing it on its own.

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  1. What's with this crazy glitter craze?! If not this, it's jelly milky pastels. Eeek! -ate
