Mini Haul

by - Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hey there! So today I have a little haul to share with you. These were taken last July 10 and these are the things I bought here and there while walking around in Singapore. Not a lot really, since I think I shot these on my first week there.

  I paid H&M a visit during their sale and oh my, it was madness! There were a lot of people inside, there were long fitting room and cashier queues, and a lot of on sale items! Too bad I wasn't able to check everything out because the amount of people inside was cray! I did, however, get something amidst the chaos. I got this adorable shirt from their Conscious collection for only S$10! I love this shirt. It was breezy and a bit sheer, it isn't a fitted shirt and the shirt length passed my standards. I wore this during my flight and it was just so comfortable it's crazy.

I also got their spring magazine! Yaaaaaaay!!

 I'm glad I also went to Forever 21 because I got new accessories! I got new moustache rings (moustache forever!) and a spiked ear cuff. I'm still figuring out how to properly wear the ear cuff because every time I wear this, it either gets loose and falls off or it's perfectly in place but it can't be seen unless I really turn sideways. Oh well, I'll figure this out eventually. :P

 Got a new pair of sandals when mom and I went to Lucky Plaza. This is absolutely a steal! I only got it for S$9 but it's very sturdy and comfortable. Love it!

 Went to Daiso to buy cotton puffs/squares because Daiso's cotton pads are the bomb (the boxed ones anyway)! Can you believe I got two boxes for only S$2? I also wanted to try individual falsies so I got that as well. I actually have a box of Stila individual falsies but those are kind of pricey and I don't want to waste those so I'll play with my Daiso falsies first before using the Stila ones.

 My sister and I went to Guardian one day and that was where we got this LA Girl quick dry top coat. I actually bought two nail polishes with my during that trip and none of those were a top coat. Fail much right? :)) So yeah, that's why we bought this. I actually like how it really dries fast! Awesome top coat right there.

 I went to Guardian again but this time in City Square Mall where I got a nail polish and polish removers. The polish removers were actually on sale at S$5.95. I'm currently using the lemon one and I have to say that this Cutex polish remover gets the job done instantly. It removes polish in a way less messy way. So hurray for that! I also got a blue nail polish just because I love blue nail polishes. And they were on sale. :D

  And that ends this little haul of mine! Highlights are definitely the H&M Conscious shirt and the red sandals, as both were affordable and comfortable to wear. See you on my next post! :)

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