20th Dinner

by - Sunday, September 15, 2013

Hollaaaa, I turned 20 today! Good thing my birthday this year fell on a Sunday, the chillest day of the week in my opinion. Also loved the weather this morning: cloudy with a chance of rain. Perfect birthday weather.

Since we didn't go out today, Mom cooked instead. Absofreakinlutely loved my birthday dinner. Mom made lasagna, crispy chicken cutlets, and carrot cupcakes. I originally wanted to have red velvet cupcakes for my birthday but since Mom's carrot cake is my favorite cake of hers (aside from her chocolate cake with coffee filling), I scratched red velvet and chose carrot.
 I also got to pipe the cream cheese icing on the cupcakes! Today was the first time I piped icing ever and I did a crappy job at first and a passable job when I got the hang of it. I need more practice haha!! Out of the 24 cupcakes, I managed to pipe 11 cupcakes decently. /fail
 Happy 20th to me! Woo!

PS. A little extra. Painted my nails with a new polish today. It's Anna Sui 003. :)

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  1. Piping would be easier and much more elegant with a bigger tip. I'll give you my extra Wilton 1M. ;)

    1. I suck. :))))))) But I'll try my luck with your extra Wilton tip. :D
