June 2014 - Shash Stash

Bali Day II

April 30, 2014 (DAY I) Day two in a nutshell: room upgrade, searching for a restaurant that turned out to be defunct but finding a new one that's good, beach time, starfish (!!!), and ending the day by watching tv on a projector screen. ...

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Smiggle's To Do Lists

When I was in Singapore last month, one of my missions was to find a planner/organizer where I can write my blogging schedule. I thought that abiding by a certain schedule will help me get into blogging more and will help me fight off procrastination. So I searched...

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Bali Bites: Dinner @ Bumbu Bali

April 29, 2014 (Day I) Our first day was nice and relaxing but one thing's missing: food! Specifically, Balinese food. Balinese cuisine is foreign to me so of course I was so excited to get some in mah belly. The first restaurant we went to was Bumbu Bali....

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Bali Day I

April 29, 2014   Hola! So excited to finally share my trip to Bali! I spent five days in Bali with my sister and her family and those five days were pure bliss. I really looked forward to this trip because 1) it was my first time in...

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BTS: Yana, Polina & Bruno

Models: Yana, Polina, and Bruno HMUAs: Shaunne Kimberly and HongLing Lim Date of Shoot: April 21, 2014 ...

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Trio Reunion

So happy I was able to see these two last Friday! After not being able to meet up due to conflicting schedules (school/graduation/OJT for them, Singapore trips for me), it was such a joy to finally see each other and hang out like old times. ...

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( ゚ヮ゚)/

 Hiiii! I'm back. So sorry for being awol after my previous post. I had a hard time coming up with new and interesting things to share in this blog so I decided to rest for a while. In case you're wondering, I was in Singapore from April to...

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