Brush 4 of 4: Ellana Cosmetics' Galatea 110 Paddle Brush - Shash Stash

Brush 4 of 4: Ellana Cosmetics' Galatea 110 Paddle Brush

by - Wednesday, June 23, 2021


Base friend.

This post is part of Backlog Beauty, a series of beauty reviews I should've published last year or the year before that but I didn't or wasn't able to. Most of the beauty products I'll be reviewing in Backlog Beauty are from previous collections that may or may not be available anymore.

I've already featured the brushes for brows, liner, and concealer and this is the final one of the bunch. This brush, along with the 114, is probably my favorite of the four, mainly because it took me by surprise. Here's the 110.

The 110 is dubbed as the Precision Pro Brush, to be used for foundation, bronzer, or finishing powder. This brush has a round shape, like a bigger version of the 113, with bristles that are quite packed but still has some flexibility and movement to it, aka it's not a pain in the butt to use.

Since they claim that it's okay to use for foundation, I figured I'd test it with a liquid one, my L'oreal Pro-Matte Infallible foundation. I absolutely love this base and since this has a more drying formula as compared to my non-matte bases, I want to see how the 110 will fare in terms of blending. I usually use a damp beauty blender with this base so it'll be interesting how this will go.

After dotting my face with the foundation (PS. Yes I'm aware, Fresh Beige doesn't match my skintone anymore. I've yet to buy a new one, okay? Leave me be, please. :P), I then proceeded to blend it out with the 110. I first spread my base all over my face before buffing it out in circles. I really thought it wasn't gonna work out but the more I buffed the foundation, the more it blended and became more skin-like.

In all fairness, I thought 110 did a great job of blending my base out, considering it's a bit of a tough one to blend out. Because the brush is dry, the finish wasn't as fresh-looking as compared to when I blend it out with a damp sponge but at least it wasn't patchy or streaky at all. That's what surprised me the most, I think: the fact that my base wasn't streaky. The reason why I don't like foundation brushes is because they always made my base streaky but not with this one! Though it took longer to blend out, the end result was not bad at all. I still prefer the damp sponge but I wouldn't mind if all I had is this brush.

The absolutely love the size of this brush because it covers quite a lot of ground on my face. I bet it'll also be great for blending out cream contours and bronzers quickly. That'll be what I'll test out next time, when, you know, I already have a cream contour on hand, haha!

Overall, I personally think that this brush is great for blending out cream and liquid products. Its density makes it really easy to buff out these products. I'm a bit skeptical to use it for powders, especially contour and blush, just because I think they're better blended out with fluffier brushes that'll give you more control to diffuse the product easily, but we'll see! Maybe this'll prove me wrong. Oh also, I think the 110 will also be great for applying and blending out mineral foundations or any loose powder foundations in general. I'm not so sure with pressed ones but loose ones are great with this brush.

And that's pretty much it, the end of my Galatea Paddle Brushes review. Among the 4 brushes, I absolutely love this, the 110, and the 114. Not a big fan of the 116 and the 113 is so-so (will still use them though haha!). I'm now regretting not buying the other ones, like the 117 eyeshadow brush and the 112 for bronzer. Oh well! Still glad I have the ones I got, though! 

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