Brush 1 of 4: Ellana Cosmetics' Galatea 114 Paddle Brush - Shash Stash

Brush 1 of 4: Ellana Cosmetics' Galatea 114 Paddle Brush

by - Wednesday, June 02, 2021


My new fave.

This post is part of Backlog Beauty, a series of beauty reviews I should've published last year or the year before that but I didn't or wasn't able to. Most of the beauty products I'll be reviewing in Backlog Beauty are from previous collections that may or may not be available anymore.

Let's rewind to 2019, when I first posted my first ever Ellana Cosmetics haul here in my blog. Honestly, after posting that, the only products I used immediately where the two liquid lippies, Love is a Gift and Love is the Answer. It took me a while to use Inspiration (the highlighter) and the Galatea Paddle Brushes simply because I didn't need to use them yet. I still had a few highlighters to go through, plus three sets of perfectly fine brushes to use. So yes, they had to be put away for a while- BUT! If figured now's the time for them to come out and play. I already featured Inspiration here back in March and for the month of June, I'll be reviewing the paddle brushes individually, starting with 114!

Since I love anything brow-related, though I kick things off with 114, the quad's brow brush. Personally, I like using an angled brush for my brows, like Fancl's brow brush that's still my go-to brush. Angled brushes just give me the control I need and they get the job done easily. 114 is totally not an angled brush, which was why I was kind of intimidated by it at first. But turns out, it's spectacular!

114 has a narrow oval-shaped form, with the thickest part at the middle and tapers down to a pointier end. The brush itself (as well as the other paddle brushes) is shorter compared to my other ones that are long-handled but I didn't find it difficult to hold and use. Plus, it's makeup pouch friendly!


 At first, I didn't know how it'll work- would it give me overly-filled brows with messy edges?? Well, turns out, if you just use it like you would an angled brush, the end result would pretty much be the same, and dare I say, easier and quicker.

Because of its narrow side body/profile, I was able to use it to line the bottom edge of my brow without problem. Filling my brows with this was such a joy because it gave me the opposite of overly-filled brows. I got brows that are filled but with a softness to it, totally not block-like at all. Honestly, I have no idea how! My brows look filled like I was very lighthanded when in reality, I just shaded it with this brush with normal pressure haha! It's magic!

What I like about this brush is that it gets the job done quickly and cleanly. Really thought I'd end up with brows ala Angry Birds so having nicely filled in brows in 3-4 strokes was just astonishing to me. I also like that this brush seems to pick up just the right amount of product. I was easily able to control and blend the product on my brow, which made filling my brows easy and fun. I'm calling it: this brush will now be my go-to brush for my brows!

I have only tried using this product with powder brow products but I'm pretty sure it'll be different once I use it with a brow pomade. I don't think I'll use this with a brow pomade as an applicator but I think it'll be useful as a blender or diffuser. I'll probably try that one day but for now, I absolutely love it for powder. 10/10 would definitely recommend! 

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  1. I remember when these types of brushes first came out! I wanted one but quickly dismissed the idea as my dry skin would just move across my face using this HAHA. Wonder where all the beauty youtubers are and their 'fav' paddle brushes eh
