October 2010 - Shash Stash

I don't do Halloween.

  I have nothing against Halloween, it's just that I don't dress up like everybody else. For this year's Halloween, I just went to the mall with my Mom. I am so happy to finally have my own copy of Misguided Angel. I've been waiting for this book because...

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The Graveyard Visit

   Mom, Dad, and I went to two cemeteries on the 30th of October instead of the usual November 1 visit most people do. The first cemetery we visited was Manila Memorial Park Cemetery where my uncle, grandpa, great grandpa and great grandpa are buried. I wasn't able...

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Eyeshadow-eyelined Eyes

  Another random post of mine. This afternoon, I had the urge to line my eyes. Then layering it with colors popped in my head. I had fun doing it and I find it very easy to do. ...

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G-Lish Brushes Review

  As an aspiring make-up artist, I know I should have the right tools- especially brushes. All looks depend on the brushes you have. And we all know good quality brushes are expensive and cheap ones are hard to find. But I'm happy to say that I finally found...

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A Lucky Girl Gets What She Wants

  I went to the mall again yesterday afternoon. My mom and I watched Eat Pray Love, which is a really adorable movie, while Dad watched Red. Since the schedules were a bit different, Mom and I went out first. While Mom paid bills, I went to the E.L.F....

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My First Two E.L.F. Products

  I've always been a fan of E.L.F. of Eyes, Lips, Face so when I saw that their products are on sale, I didn't hesitate to browse their stall. I'm happy because their products are wallet-friendly despite the fact that they're from the US. ...

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October 9 is the day before October 10.

  So Mom, Dad, and I had a food trip once again. Before going to Farmer's Market in Cubao, we first went to Mandaluyong to get some goodies sent by my aunt who is in Canada. After, we went to my Grandma's house to trade a canned good for...

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Another Boring Friday Night.

  Oh yes it is. I did the usual things today- study my 6th module in Algebra, play Cupcake Corner in Facebook, watch several episodes of Detective Conan, go on Tumblr & Facebook & Twitter. I have no outside life. Though I don't really like going out at night,...

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