February 2014 - Shash Stash

EOTD: Out the Door

Howdy! In today's look I've decided to use something I haven't used for a long time: pigments. Every time I plan to use my NYX pigments, I always end up not using them because my pressed shadows always get in the way! Haha but no seriously, pressed shadows...

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Insufficiently Loved: The Fan Brush

Out of all the makeup brushes, I think the fan brush is the most underused and overlooked brush among the bunch. We tend to neglect the fan brush because we just see it as a sweeper brush. It's something you use to remove excess powder or fallen pigments...

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Eye Find: Catrice Made To Stay Highlighter Pen

A few months ago, I developed a sudden obsession with nude eye pencils. They have a subtle way of opening the eyes as well as making them look less tired, unlike white pencils that are harsh and obvious. Thing is, nude eye pencils aren't that big locally. I...

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Beauty Book PH Giftbag

Yesterday evening, I received a package out of nowhere. I sort of knew what it was and it made me pretty excited. Last December, I registered to Beauty Book PH, a beauty site containing all sorts of beauty and hair topics. Some articles were also written by popular...

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EOTD: A Dip In My Daydreams

Hi everyone! Today's EOTD is actually a recent obsession of mine: two-toned winged liner. It's such a fun way to amp up a simple winged liner and a subtle way of wearing color on your eyes. Color combos are really up to you, which is cool because you...

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Nail of the Week: essence Colour & Go in #140: Go Bold!

Oh hai there! So here's my nail color for the next few days. It's called Go Bold!, a glittery (yes, yes, I know) muted gold polish. I like how fine the glitters are in this polish. When layered properly, you wouldn't feel any glitter particle at all. As...

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Currently Wearing: essence Longlasting Lipstick in 07 Natural Beauty

Last month, I bought my very first lipstick from essence, one that I thought I can wear on a daily basis but it turned out to be quite a bright one for daily wear. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, click here. Because of that,...

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EOTD: Number's Blocked

I've been rummaging through my makeup palettes these past few days and I've realized that I haven't touched, played, or used some of them for quite a while now. One of those palettes is the NYX Make-Up Artist Palette which I got back in 2011. I used to...

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