My Favorite Pack: Bioré Pore Pack Black

by - Friday, August 22, 2014

One of the items I seem to always have and use is a nose pore strip. My nose, no doubt, is a rough patch made of all kinds of dirt I first acquired during my teen years. Because that rough patch bothered me so much that time, I finally caved in and bought my first pack of pore strips. And I guess you could say I never looked back.

I can say I've tried different brands of pore strips. Some were okay, some were a waste of money, some were new. But now, I just stick to one brand and kind. Bioré and their Pore Pack Black. I like it more than the white one because this one works better on me.

The black pore strips are definitely wider than the white. Wider pore strips make me happy because not only does it clean my nose but it also removes junk from the cheek area near my nose. These ones fits more snugly on my nose too, thanks to the slits on the center area. The slits help the strip to stretch a bit to cover the sides and those hard to reach areas, making sure your nose is fully covered. 

You use these strips like usual: wet your nose, apply the strip, and wait for it to dry for 10-15 minutes. I admit I sometimes go over the waiting time but, don't judge me for this, I like the challenge and feeling of peeling an overdue strip off my nose. It makes my eyes water like crazy but I feel so accomplished when I peel it off completely. Not on one go though, I'm not that crazy.

Not gonna share a freshly peeled pore strip cause that's for my own entertainment. And yes, I find it entertaining...and gross. Every time I look at one I'm like " My nose is that dirty?!"

Pore strips: yay or nay?

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