Nail of the Week: essence Colour & Go in #45: Date with the Night

by - Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Back to the dark and metallic end of polish land. I feel like myself again.

So yeah, after a few weeks of wearing bright colors on my nails, I'm back with dark hues. The pull to the dark side is so strong, you guys. I can't fight it. The polish I have on is a new one, a new addition to my current polish collection. This one's metallic-looking, well, looks like one anyway.

#45 Date with the Night is a tricky color. It's on the brown-side, that's for sure, I just can't say what particular shade of brown it is. Looking at the brown color wheel, it looks like a dark metallic taupe but it looks like a dark raw umber or a metallic brown-nose. Maybe a muted bronze? Whatever its specific shade may be, I really think it's a nice unique color. It's like liquid metal color on the nails and who doesn't like liquid metal?

The only beef I have here is the consistency. I don't like it at all. It's thick and gloopy and I can't control it. I even applied a but of polish thinner to make it more manageable but unfortunately that didn't help. After two coats the polish felt so thick and very prone to denting. Oh, and can you see the swatches above? Bubble Guppies galore.

This shade's quite similar to #83 Luxury Secret but that's more cool-toned, more silver, and a bit olive-y. From afar, you can't tell the two polishes apart. However, I feel like Luxury Secret has a better consistency and is much more workable than this one. Both are quick drying, yes, even this one. 

I guess I won't use this as a mani polish but it definitely works better on my toes. I'm not going to give up with this but for now I'm gonna load up more thinner on this one. Maybe it'll magically be better when I do that.

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