Weekly Workout Burnout: Cardio Tabata

by - Saturday, September 08, 2018

This week's workout was a killer and I love it.

 Hi there! I'm back for the weekly 30-MWB and the workout I'm gonna share is something that absolutely kicked my butt- cardio-wise. 

I have a love-hate relationship with cardio. I hate doing it because it makes my heart rate shoot up like crazy, leaving me a panting, breathless mess. But somehow, I also love doing it because cardio's great at warming up the body, making it ready for more heavy hitting moves, and great at keeping the body warmed up. I dunno about you but every time I have to do, say, jumping jacks or high knees or burpees or mountain climbers, I have to psych myself up first, can't just dive right in. Weird, but it works.

Speaking of weird, it's mind-blowing to me that I actually enjoyed a cardio workout. Was it hellish? Damn right, it is. But it was fun and it didn't really feel like a cardio workout at all (well, maybe not on the 2nd time doing it. Hehehe.) The instructor, Kristina, was cool to watch and listen to. She gave instructions well and she's so lovely at motivating whoever's doing the workout. Also, she doesn't have an irritating voice. Trust me, instructors with irritating or robotic voices are the hard ones to workout to.

 Now, I'm not gonna lie: this workout will look easy but it's not, especially if you have weights. I like the addition of weights to this workout, but then again I like anything with free weights and bands. If you don't have free weights, you can always use substitutes like water bottles filled with water, or sand, or coins or even unopened tinned cans. You can also do them without weights. There are moves here that are less on cardio and more on strength training; and even those moves will burn like hell. Hope you're ready!

Oh, since the workout doesn't provide modifications, I included a modified version. You can use the modified version instead in case you want to go easy on the joints or if you have asthma or other respiratory problems. I used the modified version whenever I just can't anymore, so that's around the 3rd rep of each circuit? Just inject the modified moves in the workout and you'll be fine. Ignore the modifications if you really want to go hardcore.

Note: So the workout's like this: 2 reps of circuit 1, 60 sec break, then 2 reps of circuit 2, then rest for 90 secs. Do 2 reps of circuit 1 again, 60 sec break, then 2 reps of circuit 2. Hope this helps to the confusion! If it's still confusing, watch along to the video then repeat again for another round.

Workout Duration: around 29 Minutes

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