Active Recap: Quad VI

by - Monday, September 23, 2019


Welcome to Active Recap, where I talk/share/review the workout vids I did for the last four days. Please refer to this post to know a bit more about Active Recap and my workout format and sched.



Opening the quad with a Blogilates workout because why not? This workout is focused on the core and glutes, starting with few ab exercises followed by dynamic leg and glute exercises and finished by a final ab exercise. There are only 2 rounds in this routine making this super doable.

I initially thought this would have a lot of cardio/plyo exercises but turns out this routine is more on the toning side. So if you're not in the mood for any jumping, this is a good one to do. I personally enjoyed the leg and glute exercises because even though they were easy to do and follow, those small isometric moves really crept up and made my muscles shake. So good!

Warm up + cool down included.

Here's a circuit finisher! I wanted a short but challenging routine to top off this day so here it is. This is yet another String by Zumba routine focusing on upper body. I have to admit, I enjoyed this routine more than the ab routine in Quad II because even though I suck at bodyweight arm exercises, I still like the burn. Also, ab routines will always be my nightmare so there's that.

7 minutes is enough to make your arms and shoulders burn. The child pose I did after this routine felt glorious, I tell you.

Workout duration: around 43 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up + cool down included.


Love Sanne Vloet's routines because even though they look easy, each move burns. This 20 minute circuit is no different. First off, it starts with a cardio move: 45 seconds of pop squats! I know doing pop squats as a first move isn't appealing but I say just do it. It will get your heart pumping and your body really warmed up, plus pop squats are great for the booty! The moves after that are more low key but there are a few more cardio moves, namely skaters and mountain climbers but you can easily modify those moves according to your preference. This really is a full body workout because some of the moves are dynamic moves that make several muscles work at the same time. Pretty nifty if you ask me.

Honestly, I thought I wouldn't get that tired with this workout but when I was done, I was sweating bullets! Really enjoyed this routine and honestly, you can do this twice through and you'll get a super satisfying 40 minute workout. This is also great to do anywhere because it doesn't require any equipment! (Except for a mat which you can easily substitute with a beach towel or carpet.)

Again, a short but challenging finisher. This time I wanted to target the core area so I opted for Fitness Blender's 10 min routine. There are moves here that I found challenging and moves that I found new and interesting. I particularly liked the oblique exercises as they were fun to do. 

This can be done twice through but since the first circuit burned me, I settled for just one round.

Workout duration: around 36 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up + cool down not included


If you're missing cardio in this quad then here it is. Kit Rich is one of my fave workout instructors in YouTube and she did it again with this routine. This one's a killer! This routine will make your heart pump fast, get your body warmed up in no tine, and will make your muscles shake. I had to modify with some moves to get going because if I don't, I have a feeling I'll just collapse. What a good full body burner!

Oh, the cool down routine here's a bit short so make sure you do it twice or do your own cool down stretch routine.

I've always wanted to do a Pamela Reif routine but I just can't find one to do because they're all freaking hardcore! Pamela's routine's are definitely not targeted for beginners. I personally aspire to do one someday when I feel stronger and less like a potato. But for now, all I can do is watch them.

However, there are a few that I think are doable now, at least with where I'm at. This 10 min arm routine is one of them. The moves are easy to do, there are breaks after each group of exercise, and it's not repetitive. I also like that it targets the biceps, triceps, and shoulders. Perfect finisher and definitely doable for another round. Love this routine!

Workout duration: around 42 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up + cool down included.


Alright, here we go with a HIIT-infused yoga routine. Love doing these kinds of routine before a relaxing one because you still gotta work hard even though it's yoga, you know? I surprisingly enjoyed this routine as it was challenging, yes, but it had breaks in between. The moves are ok for beginners too, except for the last part that includes shoulder stands and plow poses. The shoulder stand I'm okay with but I had to draw the line with the plow pose because doing it unsupervised is risky and scary. I keep thinking my spine will snap! So no, I skipped the plow pose and took it easy on the shoulder stand. Still a good routine though!

I wanted to do something different today so I opted for a stretch routine rather than a yoga flow. I feel like I needed this more, you know? This stretch routine was really good as it stretched out everything: upper body, lower body, & core. Overall vibe is just slow, cool, and relaxed and after days of work, this routine was welcomed greatly by my body. This is a great routine to do if you're more of a stretch person than a yoga person. Really great after HIIT routines.

Workout duration: around 34 minutes.

My no equipment quad was a success! I love the circuits I did on this quad. I feel like I did more upper body routines though but that's okay since the full body routines were lower body heavy so I think that balances everything out. 

Super enjoyed Sanne Vloet's 20 MIN Full Body Workout so that's my top workout! Special mention to Pamela Reif's 10 min arms too. That one's fun but a killer.

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