Active Recap: XXXI

by - Monday, March 23, 2020


Welcome to Active Recap, where I talk/share/review the workout vids I did for the last four days. Please refer to this post to know a bit more about Active Recap and my workout format and sched.



Starting off slow and easy with a low impact routine! I really like doing low impact workouts on the first day because they really ease me into working out. This routine was perfect because it feels like a warm up at first and then the plyo-like workouts are in the middle. This routine has two parts: standing exercises and mat exercises. I liked both parts because the exercises work different muscles and they just feel different from each other- good different. It didn't feel boring at all, in fact I felt like I just breezed through it, hence why I did this whole routine twice through! For the second time I did it, I made sure to amp up the exercises, especially those I modified in the first round. Not gonna lie, even though it's low impact, this gave me a good sweaty sesh!

Since it's glute day 1, here's the more glute-centered circuit for today. You all already know by now that pilates exercises are my go-to when I want a good toning routine and this one didn't disappoint- hell, I enjoyed this routine! The exercises really target the glutes and I think the continuous, no break circuits also helped in keeping the tension in the glutes thus making them work harder and burning them in the process. So. Freaking. Good! I like that even though it has sort of a ballet-esque feel, the moves are easy to follow that I didn't feel awkward and graceless haha! Super fun routine that left my glutes sore for days. Oh, and since it's just a short routine, I also did this twice through.

Workout duration: around 58 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; cool down stretch included.


And glute day continues! Since yesterday was no equipment day, I thought I'd do one that involves "props". This one is a weighted glute routine that also did a number on the glutes. Not gonna lie, this one is definitely more challenging than the pilates routine from day A but just as fun. I like the elevated exercises here- they were great variations to bridges that really made the routine slightly less basic. Of course you can easily modify but try to follow as is- I swear this routine got my glute muscles burning and shaking.

Again, another routine with equipment! I like using weights for glute days but I gotta admit: resistance bands are the bomb for glute days! Pilates + mini band? YES PLEASE. Just like the first pilates routine, this one was as chill yet managed to still burn the glutes. I absolutely loved this routine because not only were the exercises great, the instructor, Katja, was very calming to listen to. She did great in giving cues, in motivating, in reminding how the posture should be- everything was great that I forget my glutes were burning from time to time. Also, this was a dynamic exercise also targeting the thighs! I won't mind doing this again!

Workout duration: around 47 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up and cool down stretch included.


If the glute days exercises were chill and zen, this arm circuit is NOT. Like wow, I didn't think I'd be sweating so freaking hard with a sky-high heart rate but here we are! Heather didn't disappoint with another bomb dot com workout. Going in, I thought I'd be just doing weighted exercises but SURPRISE, BITCH! CARDIO TIME!! I absolutely loved the cardio intervals in this routine because 1). they were totally unexpected, 2). they were great "commercials" to the 4 rounds of a weighted exercise, and 3). they really amped up this whole routine! Honestly, I was sweating and panting at the end of this routine and I ain't even mad about it! For the weighted routines, they can feel quite repetitive since you have to do each one 4 times through so I recommend playing with the weights you use. You can do drop weights or you can try to amp up the weights to a more challenging one, just make sure you maintain proper form. Damn, this routine was fire!

I'm just gonna go ahead and reward myself with a slightly relaxing upper body flow because I deserve it! I'm so glad I did this routine after the first one because this helped in stretching the upper body without fully feeling like it was a zen flow. There were exercises here that still challenged the arms but ultimately, I loved the stretches here. Not only did it stretch my arms, it also opened up the chest and shoulders. Overall, a nice flow!

Workout duration: around 57 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up and cool down stretch included.


Arm day 2! And lemme tell you, we're gonna end arm day with a bang, starting with this arm and core weighted workout. Throughout the workout, I used a pair of 5lbs free weights and honestly, it's more than enough to make your arms, shoulders, and core burn like no other. In this routine, arm exercises are more up and center and the main core exercises are mostly on the end of the workout but there are dynamic exercises scattered throughout that gets both the arms and core working. There's not much cardio in this routine but it will still get your heart pumping because of some low impact exercises. It's just 20 minutes so I did the whole routine twice through mainly because there were no circuit repeats. Doing it twice, well, lemme just say that that did a good number on my upper body.

Burnout round! We're going all out on the arms and this routine may only be bodyweight but doing this after the weighted routine? Your arms will die slow burning death. Honestly, I though my arms were going to fall off! There are only 7 exercises in this routine but doing each for 1 minute & 30 seconds definitely got my already exhausted arms more exhausted. This routine covers the shoulders, chest, back, and arms so it really is an upper body routine. I knew this won't be a walk in the park- it's a Blogilates routine after all!

Workout duration: around 55 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up not included, cool down stretch included.

Hmm, I gotta say: I enjoyed a lot of exercises in this quad! But if I had to choose, my favorites are: FITNESS BLENDER Bodyweight Cardio Workout for Fat Burn and Energy Boost, EMBODYMENT360 Power Pilates Series #4 ~ 10 Min. Glutes Focus (day A was fire, y'all!), and HEATHER ROBERTSON Week 8 Day 1 //Sculpted Arms Workout (Biceps, Triceps + Shoulders)!

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