Bake & Munch: Pinoy-Style Cheese Cupcakes - Shash Stash

Bake & Munch: Pinoy-Style Cheese Cupcakes

by - Sunday, July 04, 2021



Happy first Sunday of July, everyone!

You may be wondering: what exactly are Pinoy-style cupcakes? Are they different from regular cheese cupcakes? Are they better, tastier?

Well, for starters, . I think we call them Pinoy-style cupcakes because they're quite reminiscent of the bakery-style cupcakes available in our local bakeries. Not a fancy schmancy bakery, but the local bakery that sells Pinoy classic breads: pandesal, pan de coco, Spanish bread, ensaimada, monay, kababayan, and the likes. These cheese cupcakes are denser, almost muffin-like in volume. Throw out the concept of airy cupcakes out the window because these ones are the opposite. Because they're filling, they're perfect as snacks (often paired with a cold glass of soda) or even as breakfast food, often paired with coffee.

These cheese cupcakes are also on the drier side which reminds me of a childhood classic pambaon, Lemon Squares' Cheese Cake. If you know, you know, haha! Though I've never liked the dry as hell texture of that product, it's the kind of cheese cupcake I grew up with. Of course my mom made waaaay better cheese muffins but bottomline is, the density and texture is almost the same: heavy and dry (and sometimes if you're lucky, even chalky).

Now it's my turn to make them, though to be honest, I want a batch that's better, or at least not a chalky one. I want my cupcakes to be sweet and salty, a bit dry, yes, but also creamy. I want something that reminds me of my childhood but improved, you know? Well, here we are!

After looking for the best Pinoy-style cheese cupcakes in the 'net, I deem The Not So Creative Cook's recipe the best! It had simple, easy to find ingredients and procedure, not to mention, they look sooo good! I did tweak some of the ingredients but rest assured, whether you follow mine or her's, you'll end up with your childhood snack, only better. 



(adapted from TheNotSoCreativeCook.com)

Yield: 12

1/2 cup butter, softened

2 to 3 tablespoons granulated sugar

2 eggs

3/4 of a 300ml can of condensed milk

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 2/3 cup all purpose flour, sifted then measured

2 teaspoons baking powder

pinch of salt

1 1/4 cup grated cheese + about 1/4 c for topping (I used grated Ques-O)

1. Preheat oven to 350F and line a 12-cup muffin pan.

2. In a bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt. Stir and set aside.

3. In another bowl, beat butter and sugar until pale and fluffy.

4. Add in eggs, vanilla extract, and condensed milk. Beat until just combined.

5. Add in dry ingredients and mix until well-combined.

6. Fold in 1 1/4 cup grated cheese.

7. Transfer batter into muffin pan and top with remaining 1/4 cup of grated cheese.

8. Bake for 20-23 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

9. Let cool for 5 minutes before serving. Enjoy!


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