February 2012 - Shash Stash

Unseen/Unblogged Photos From My Makeup School

  From September to November, I attended Cosmoprof Academy in Singapore. It is a beauty school located inside an establishment called PoMo. I wasn't able to blog about it because I became busy with school and touring/roaming around. So now, I finally have the time to share photos...

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72nd Birthday

Last night became a little family gathering. I get to see some of my relatives I usually see every Christmas and other clan friends. Last night was also my Lola Perla's (or "La By" as we grandkids call her) 72nd birthday. ...

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Saturday Survey

One. What is your middle name?Danger. Loljk, ;) Two. What are you passionate about?My work, being a makeup artist. And being a fangirl and Twitter addict. Three. Zebra or leopard print?Leopard print, especially on my eyelids! Four. Do you have any fears?Heights, though it only appears when I...

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LOTD: Pinks and Smudged Brown

  Posting this entry 3 days before Valentine's Day is purely coincidental. :)) ...

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LOTD: Plum and Chocolate

  First LOTD tutorial for this month. Since Valentine's Day's just around the corner, I decided to do this look using my The Body Shop's Eye & Cheek Palette 02. So if you love your browns (like I do!) and need a Valentine's Day look idea, read on....

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LOTD: Misguided Angel

  While looking at my young-adult books, I saw one cover that made me do this LOTD: Melissa de la Cruz' Misguided Angel. I'm a big fan of the series and I love how intriguing the covers are. I fell in love with this look in particular since...

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