Gardens by the Bay: Garden Cruiser Trail

by - Sunday, January 20, 2013

  After Christmas, my whole family and I went to Gardens by the Bay. We went there in the afternoon, so it wasn't long when it was already cloudy because Singapore is pretty rainy in December. We went to three places: the tour, the Cloud Forest, and the Flower Dome. Photos after the cut!

  The tram ride was 20 minutes long and it will bring you to the different areas of the Gardens. You will see views of the Cooled Conservatories, the Meadow, the Supertree Grove,  and the Themed Gardens. I loved the tour mainly because it wasn't so sunny and the rain hasn't poured either. If it's your first time, I suggest you take the tram ride. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and take photos!

This is one of the souvenir shops of the Gardens. It's located behind the ticket booth where you can buy the ticket to the tram ride.
Look at my cutie patootie nephew!!
I was photo-bombed! ಠ_ಠ
This is probably my most favorite photo. If only the tram wasn't there though...
 And right after the tour, it rained.
The 'rents.
Shoes of the day. Hello Kitty Crocs, a Christmas gift from my sister. :)

After the tour, we went to the Cloud Forest (which will be the next part of the GbtB series). The tram costs S$5 for Adults & Senior Citizens and S$3 for Children aged 3-12. For more info, click here

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