Maybe I'm Amazed is a pretty purple, orchid-y shade. My eyes might be fooling me but it seems that this polish has a pinkish/pink-red undertone to it. I really like this color as it somewhat fits any season. I wore this last summer and here I am wearing it again during the rainy season. Anyhow, I do have some issues with it. It's somewhat sheer and patchy. Just when you thought you coated a nail perfectly, a spot appears out of nowhere, making you feel inadequate in applying nail polish. Haha! But hey, nothing a 2nd or 3rd layer can't cover up right?
I applied three coats of polish to achieve a dark plummy color on my nails, the shade I desire. On the photos above, my polish looks brighter. That's what I'm talking about the polish fitting in any season. When it's bright and sunny, the shade looks like a pretty purple-pink polish but when it's a bit dark and there's no sunlight involved, it looks plummy. Application might be a bit tricky but in my opinion, the trouble's worth it.