Week 38: Birthday Week!

by - Monday, September 21, 2015

Apologies for being MIA this past week! Being sick really messes up everything, doesn't it? I'm still a bit unwell but whatever. Week recap: my birthday!

I turned 22 last Tuesday and I have to say, it was pretty chill. My energy level was lower than usual because it was that time when my cough and colds were kicking in. My parents and I just had a chill lunch out in Tiyo's and Mom prepared my two fave things: her chocolate cake and her lasagna. Ugh, sooo gooood. Turning a year old was exciting but there was one thing I was more excited about: getting a new phone, specifically, a Zenfone 2.

I've always wanted the Zenfone 2 ZE551ML so a couple of days before my birthday, I went to several stores to buy one. Unfortunately, none had any stocks of the phone so that pretty much bummed me out. I thought it was a dead end so I went home and after reading several reviews, I decided that I'm going to get the Zenfone Laser instead. Two days after my birthday, I went to a certified Asus distributor and asked for the Laser. However, I saw they had the original Zenfone 2, I just wasn't sure if it was the unit I was looking for. I asked, and HALLE-FREAKING-LUJAH, it was the unit I wanted! Long story short, I got what I originally wanted and I'm so in love with my phone right now. I know it's no iPhone or Galaxy, but this phone just feels right. I'm in love with the big screen, I love the camera features and quality, just ohmaygad this phone is everything. So yeah, that's pretty much my birthday gift, haha!

Since I was on a roll that day, I got two more things I've always wanted. One is an adult coloring book. I got one that has mandala designs because these pretty much remind me of henna tattoo designs. Mandalas are spiritual and ritual Indian symbols that represent the universe and I think they're lovely. The designs on this book are pretty huge so there's a lot of spaces to color in. I'm still on the first design and I'm around 55% done!

The other thing I got: lobe piercings! I've been itching to get new lobe piercings since forever and I finally did it...alone. Again. This time, I had it done in a Silverworks store. I basically just selected a pair of earrings, paid, then the lovely SA did the piercing. To be honest, it was nothing. It felt hot on both ears (haha, yes, I had both of my ears pierced!) but the next day, it was like nothing happened. It was unlike my helix piercing; that hurt like a bitch. But lobe piercings, piece of cake. Now I'm itching to get a third lobe piercing. Maybe on December with my friends. :)

What else did I do aside from cough and sneeze? Pretty much play with my phone and drink meds. Ugh, seriously, being sick sucks. I feel better now than a few days ago, that's for sure! So yeah, those are my updates. Is it weird that I don't feel like 22? I feel like I'm 18 or something. Haha!

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