NARS on mah nails again. I've reviewed two NARS polishes in the past (Sharplines Right and Sharplines Left) but I always get that pleasant surprise whenever I use NARS polishes. The formula is just oh-so-fantastic that it'll make you question why you bother with other brands. (Well I...
Hey there! NOTW post is a little different today as it's not a featured polish but instead some nail art! This is the mani I sported over the busy weekend I had with my family. A few days ago, I watched HannahRoxNails' DIY marble nail art video which...
Hello, Monday! I'm back at EOTD-ing again haha! I made this look today mainly for my next review post (coming up either Wed or Thurs!). It's an eyeshadow review and whenever I do a shadow review, I make sure I at least show how it looks on the...
Hi there! I'm Shaunne and welcome to Shash Stash, my ramble-filled blog about anything under the sun. Here's where you'll see my love affair with fitness, baking, & beauty.