At Home Workout Love + 40-Minute Workout Burnout: Cardio & Core + Yoga 101 - Shash Stash

At Home Workout Love + 40-Minute Workout Burnout: Cardio & Core + Yoga 101

by - Friday, August 31, 2018

 Home's where it's at.

I said before and I’ll say it again: at home workouts are the bomb. They're my jam, my cup of tea. I don't know why but following along to a workout vid is more appealing to me than, say, working out with just a list. I like the noise, being able to watch, the challenge. At home workouts may not be for everyone but they sure as hell light up mine.

Here's a list of why I like 'em so much.

1. Most of them need zero equipment. And if they do require equipment, they’re the ones that’s easy to purchase, like hand weights and resistance bands. I started out with HIIT workouts that require only my bodyweight and boy do they hurt like hell afterwards. At home workouts will make your heart pumping fast in no time: equipment optional.

2. They give me the liberty to do them anywhere. And I mean, everywhere. The backyard, the park, the living room, poolside…basically, anywhere that’s stable where you can lay down your mat flatly. No excuses!

3. They introduce me to new moves. I like how I get exposed to different (and modified) moves that make working out exciting and unpredictable. Because they’re new, they challenge me a lot. I’m not saying I’m successful in doing those moves all the time but they definitely spice up my workouts, I’ll tell you that.

4. The workouts are short but very challenging. Don’t underestimate that 10 minute bodyweight workout because it will make you sweaty AF in no time. Now do that for 2 or more rounds. You’re welcome.

5. With workout vids, I don’t have to worry about anything at all. Instructor? Check. Timer? Check. Background music? Check. The constant reminding to keep my core engaged? Double check. See what I mean?

6. They come in a variety of combos. No circuit is the same. The moves in each video, in each circuit varies so I myself don’t know what to expect. And I like that because I hate repetitive workouts.

7. Because they don’t require membership fees, I get to shop for other fitness gear, like new hand weights or new activewear! Call it the shopaholic in me but I’d really rather spend my money on new gear, haha!

8. I get introduced to new fitness channels through these exercise videos. I love discovering new channels and the people behind them. Some newly discovered ones are now my go-to workout channels and I know there are still hundreds of channels out there to be checked out. And I can't wait.

9. I'm comfortable with 'em. They say that you should enjoy your workouts so maybe that's the reason why I like working out: I don't feel weird exercising along to videos. I find them really helpful, you know.

And now for the other part of this post: the 30-minute Workout Burnout! Last WB post tackled Lower Body + Core (they seriously made my legs jello and my quads and glutes a-burning) so today, I'll share a somewhat chiller workout. I only have two: a cardio + core circuit and a yoga circuit. It's more than 30 minutes but don't worry, 22 minutes of it is yoga (yay!).

-Despite the high knees circuit being a short workout, I maximized it by doing 2 rounds (4 reps in total) of it. I like the combination of cardio and core work in this video. It also shows a modified and advanced version of each move so you can either mellow down or push yourself to the limit. Plus, the 6 different moves really work your core. Special mention to the knee drives and side planks- love doing those.

Ending the day's sweat sesh with a yoga flow is amazing. It's a great alternative from the usual cool down stretch routines I do and it improves my flexibility like no other. It helps a lot with muscle tightness, thus improving my flexibility. And yoga is just great for my mind. It just improves the way I think and feel, you know? This video is more of a Yoga 101, perfect for beginners and for yoga noobs like me. Learned a lot and the flow is just right.

Workout Duration: around 42 minutes (warm up not included)
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Have an awesome sweat sesh!

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