Guest Post: These Common Home Workout Mistakes Can Bust Your Routine

by - Monday, May 11, 2020

Home workout tips and tricks.

(Editor's note: Hi there! Mondays are usually Active Recap days but since there's no new one for today, I figured now's the best day to share a guest blog post! Yep, you've read that right- we have a guest writer! DJ Crino, a content marketer for Taos Footwear, reached out to me a few weeks back and asked if she could write a fitness-related article for the blog and of course I said yes! This article she wrote is just perfect because it involves one thing I'm passionate about: home exercising. Go give this a read and let us know what you think of it. Enjoy! Love, Shaunne.) 

Not all fitness regimens are created equal. Of course, you need to exercise to get in shape, but exercising poorly won’t do you much good. That’s why it’s important to avoid making certain common mistakes that can otherwise sabotage your efforts. From making sure you have the right pair of comfortable footwear to setting achievable goals, some common mistakes to look out for include:

Exercising Randomly
You need to set specific fitness goals to achieve them. That may sound obvious, but too many people start working out with the vague goal of “getting in shape.” This prevents them from making consistent progress. Instead, you should decide how much weight you want to lose, or how much muscle you want to put on, etc. Then you need to research workout programs that align with your goals. For instance, if you decide you want to gain muscle, merely focusing on cardio exercises isn’t enough. Additionally, by choosing a workout program, you’ll be more likely to exercise consistently. A program establishes a routine that you can schedule every week.

Changing Your Workout Routine Too Frequently.
To some degree, changing up your fitness regimen can yield benefits. For example, if a certain routine has become too easy, you might need to choose something more intense to continue making gains. Or, if you’re starting to get bored with a routine, choosing a new one will help you stay motivated to work out. Changing your routine can also help guard against injuries in some instances. Just keep in mind that you need to maintain some consistency with a workout program to reach your goals. You should only change your program when you have a valid reason to do so, such as increasing the intensity or guarding against injury.

Only Focusing on Appearance
The desire to look good can be a powerful motivator for someone starting to work out. However, it’s also important to understand that fitness is about more than the six-pack. To get in the best shape of your life, you can’t focus solely on the body parts that have aesthetic appeal. You need to adopt a program that improves your fitness in a truly thorough manner.

Having Unrealistic Expectations
Millions (if not billions) of people around the world have successfully managed to reach their fitness goals. Working out regularly will bring results. 

That said, it might take longer to reach your own goals than you first assume. It’s crucial that you have realistic expectations when starting to work out. If you set unrealistic goals, you’ll get discouraged when you don’t achieve them as quickly as you wish. This will deplete your motivation to stick with a program.

Disliking It
Not everyone is a natural “fitness freak.” You might see working out as a chore. This doesn’t need to be the case! If you explore different types of workouts, odds are good you’ll eventually find one you genuinely enjoy. Some people enjoy dancing more than lifting weights. Some like running because it gives them the chance to listen to music or a podcast. Some people even use fitness games and apps to “gamify” the experience of working out. It might take time to find a program that appeals to you. However, once you do, your mindset about fitness will change dramatically. Remember, working out by itself doesn’t guarantee results. You need to work out the right way. Avoiding these common mistakes will help you do so.

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