Active Recap: Quad XXXVII

by - Monday, May 04, 2020


Welcome to Active Recap, where I talk/share/review the workout vids I did for the last four days. Please refer to this post to know a bit more about Active Recap and my workout format and sched.



Full body workout to open! This workout is packed with exercises for the lower and upper body and core and it will get you sweating in no time. I personally felt that this workout has such a fast-paced tempo but it didn't feel too stretched out because the exercises have a certain number of reps instead of a timed amrap-like structure. The lower body exercises are so good as they really target the glutes, the hammies, and quads. This routine isn't boring at all and it's a nice mix of targeted and dynamic exercises. Quite a good and tiring routine!

For our burnout/proper glute routine, I opted for this 20-minute routine and not gonna lie, this was a good way to finish. Techinically, the first 10 minutes of this video is a 2 round warm up but I find that the warm up itself can be treated as part of the routine already, especially after the first circuit. Surprisingly, this got my heart rate a bit up since most (if not, all) of the exercises are standing ones and they gave my glutes a good burn. You can always repeat the whole routine twice since there were no repeat rounds and you can always add in weights or bands to increase intensity! 

Workout duration: around 55 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up and cool down included.


To be honest, I was conflicted whether I should do this routine first like a glute activation or as a burnout round. Well, obviously I did the former and I regret nothing. This 20-minute routine maybe short but it will get you glutes burning! I love doing banded exercises to activate my glutes beforehand and this did the trick and more. I like that there's a mix of low impact cardio and mat exercises, and the band really got me to keep tension in the glutes and legs all throughout the routine. This was a great workout both on its own or as a glute activation routine. There were no repeats on this one so you can always do it twice or thrice through!

So the main routine is this one. Not gonna lie, I was a bit weirded by the structure of this routine. Each exercise is 12 reps, three sets with 1 minute(!!) rest in between sets. What?? I guess I'm just used to having a quick transition in between sets (like, 30 seconds rest max) that the 1 minute rest in between felt wrong to me haha! But as I did each exercise, I got it. Even though you're only doing 12 reps, the exercises are done in a bit of a slow pace so it will burn as you get to the 2nd and 3rd sets. The exercises are very glute-centered so you will feel the burn, even more so if you use a heavy dumbbell and mini band throughout. This was such a good routine and paired with the first circuit? Oh man, glute day sorted!    

Workout duration: around 52 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; warm up and cool down not included.


Honestly, this workout is a prime example of a low impact but NOT low intensity routine. Oh my goodness, this got me all sweaty in such a short amount of time! Natacha Oceane is a fitness beast (honestly, look up her workouts in her channel or IG. She's AMAZING) and even though this is technically a quiet routine, it will get you going and sweating. I surprisingly found myself enjoying the quite fast-paced exercises and after the routine, I felt energized instead of drained and tired. This made me realize that I need to do more of her workouts haha! (Well, her quiet workouts. I'm still building the courage to do her HIIT routines because man, they look hard af!)

Okay, upper body time! This is my first time doing a Pull upper body routine and I gotta say, it was challenging but not so bad! Aside from the arms, the exercises worked mostly the chest and back muscles which I thought was nice considering I tend to forget to work those areas. I did a dropset on some of the exercises because I found it a bit challenging to maintain a heavy weight for 3 rounds straight and if I do, I found myself losing proper form. Not all exercises are weighted though, so you get to rest, active-recovery style with bodyweight exercises. Totally doable, totally challenging on the entire upper body.   

Workout duration: around 55 minutes, with 1 minute rest in between circuits; short upper body warm up and cool down included.


Now this is a BANGIN' upper body finale! This was equal parts challenging, burning, and tiring! This routine won't just get your upper body burning, it will get your heart racing as well because of the active recovery breaks aka 3 min cardio bursts! For the weighted exercises, I quite like that some of them are dynamic exercises that also involve 2-3 different muscles at a time like arms + core + legs, and back + arms + cardio. There were exercises here that I thought were difficult to do because of awkward positioning and some are just hard to do because of the heavy weights I used. I have to say that the active recovery breaks are the hardest and most tiring but ah, that's a given already, I think. The last part, the 100 lateral raises, is a killer, especially after all the exercises that came before it. I used a 2lbs dumbbell on each arm, which, I know, is kind of a cop-out but I knew that if I used something heavier than that I'd lose good form and I'll just tire out easily. But hey, it still burned a whole lot because hello, 100 counts of lateral raises! 

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