essence Pure Skin Anti-Spot Moisturizer Review

by - Monday, December 02, 2013

Hello, hello! Today I'm here with a moisturizer  review. Come to think of it, I think this is my first time to review a skincare product so I'm pretty psyched to tell you what I think about it. Curious? Then read on! :)

 When I saw this during the sale, I was pretty much surprised because I didn't know essence has a skincare  line. All essence counters I've visited in Singapore carried the same things: makeup products, makeup tools, nail products but definitely no skincare products. So I decided to try two products from the Pure Skin line and one of them is the Pure Skin Anti-Spot Moisturizer.

Pure Skin Anti-Spot Moisturizer claims that it "fights spots and blackheads, refines and mattifies skin, and reduces redness". Honestly, the "fights spots and blackheads" part got me. See, I've always had a problem with blackheads on my nose so I hoped that this product would somewhat help me with my problem. An antibacterial moisturizer? Why not?
 This is what the moisturizer looks like. It feels light but yet it somehow feels thicker than the Celeteque Hydration Facial Moisturizer moisturizer (which I really love) and the Myra Facial Moisturizer (which is good as well but I prefer Celeteque's). The Anti-Spot Moisturizer also smells similar to adult moisturizers, like the ones with 8-in-1 kind of formula.

Okay, my thoughts about it. The very first one would be that it's not for those who have combination-oily skin. That's currently my skin type and it did nothing to stop the oils from coming out of my face. However, it's perfect for those who have dry skin. I find it very moisturizing so this would definitely help hydrate dry areas of the face. It's also perfect for the winter season where it's all cold and drying. Also, I find this unsuitable as a makeup base for people with combination-oily skin because it will just make your foundation slide off but again it might work for those who have dry skin. About the "fights blackheads" part: personally, I think it did minimize my blackheads albeit very subtly. Finally, this is a product you should stay away from in the summer. Unless you want to look like a greaseball all day.

I give this a 3 out of 5.

What's your favorite moisturizer? xx

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