Super Snacks for a Super Glow

by - Friday, July 29, 2016

Focusing on the "glow" in "go, grow, glow". :)

Having glowy and/or dewy skin is something that's really "in" today. I don't know if you've noticed but most of the newly released makeup collections include at least one (or two) highlighters. There are kits, there are drops, there are pigments, all for highlighting. Because who are we kidding, that glow on the face is LYFE. However, I think it's important to also have that natural glow. You know, one that comes from within and not from a pan of shimmer. I think taking care of our bodies internally is important and it should receive the same care we do externally. Whatever you put inside shows on the outside and when you're not doing a good job, makeup won't be enough to cover them up.

I won't lecture you to live and have a healthy and active lifestyle because who am I kidding, right? I mean, if you ask people around me who's the most fit and active person they know, I'm pretty sure I'm the last person they'll mention. But I have to admit that lately, I'm slowly getting more into the healthy stuff. I like loading up on veggies and I'm not overloading on carbs and sugar too much anymore. I'm slowly getting into a healthier diet. Keyword: slowly. Exercising is a different story although I have something planned for that.

If there's one thing I can't stop myself from doing, it's snacking. I just like munching on stuff! There's nothing wrong with snacking although sometimes, I catch myself being so full because of all the snacks I just ate! So now, I figured, if I had to snack, might as well snack on something healthy so when I overeat, the guilt isn't too much to bear. :P

Here are 6 foods you can munch on that's healthy and that will give you a nice healthy glow! I know I feel good whenever these are present in what I eat!

-Did you know that chickpeas are high in fibre, protein, and antioxidants? Chickpeas have saponins, phytochemicals that act as antioxidants. They also have manganese which helps in boosting up these antioxidants. If you want to snack on something crunchy, stay away from junk food and instead, whip up a tasty chickpea snack. All you have to do is bake them with a drizzle of olive oil, salt, pepper, and paprika. They're as tasty as potato chips but they're definitely healthier and better for you. Looking for a good dip or salad dressing? Turn these bad boys into hummus, with garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, and cumin.

-Ah, the craze nowadays! It seems like a lot of people have been incorporating green tea into their food and drinks and who can blame them? Green tea is such a wonderful ingredient. It's high in antioxidants, it enhances the mood, and it's calming. Not only that, it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that help keep everything clean and bacteria-free. You can pretty much incorporate green tea with sweets. Cakes, pastries, breads, even in pancakes(!!) for breakfast. But if you're a purist, just dissolve it in hot water and don't add anything else. If you're not a fan of the taste, you can always go for green teas that are infused with fruit. I've had strawberry green tea before and it's delish!

-Just like chickpeas and matcha, it's also high in antioxidants. The brown skin of the almonds contain antioxidants that help protect our cells from oxidative damage, a contributor to ageing. It also has Vitamin E, magnesium, and manganese. You can snack on almonds but you can also add them to your breakfast (granola, oatmeal), or dessert (with chocolates, on brownies, as truffles, etc.).

-These berries are native to Asia and mainly used in medicinal purposes. Goji berries are full of amino acids and are packed with protein, as well as Vitamin C. Not only do these berries fill our bodies with good things, they're also packed with beta-carotene which makes our skin healthy and glowy. Goji berries can be seen in some chocolates but you can also added in mueslis, smoothies, and salads. Want to spice up your granola mix? Check out this recipe.

-I'm no stranger to walnuts because it's one of my favorite nuts! Walnuts are not only tasty and nutty, but they're also high in protein and antioxidants. These antioxidants combat free radicals that quicken deterioration due to age. Walnuts have the most powerful antioxidants in the nut family so better load up on these if you want to maintain a healthy and youthful appearance. My mom likes to bake with walnuts as she likes to incorporate them in brownies and Food for the Gods. I also like adding them in salads as they add texture, crunch, and added flavor. Walnuts with apples? YES. PLEASE.

-Now this one's a new obsession for me. Squash is such a game changer for me because I found out it can be eaten as a snack too! Squash is high in beta-carotene just like goji berries and this helps in boosting our eyes' and skin's health. The seeds can be eaten too as we all know and they have antimicrobial and antifungal properties. What I like to do with the squash is steam them until tender then drizzle honey or syrup on top. I also like sprinkling a little bit of sesame seeds for added texture, crunch, flavor, and health benefits.

Other super foods include cacao nibs, chia seeds, kale, and blueberries. Here's a list provided by!

Definitely adding these ingredients to my diet as they're all really healthy and yummy. Let's all cut back on junk and load up on these nutritious food instead, shall we? :) Oh, and if you're looking for some inspo for snacks, don't forget to head over to as they have amazing recipes that are tasty, easy to whip up, and most importantly, healthy. Have fun snacking! x

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