Nail of the Week: essence Colour & Go in #83: Luxury Secret

by - Thursday, November 21, 2013

 After several days of not blogging (...teehee) wearing nail polish, I decided to start wearing the nail polishes I got during the private sale of essence cosmetics. Since I had 9 nail polishes, I can't, for the life of me, pick which polish to wear. So I did what I normally do when I can't pick: close my eyes and grab whatever bottle I get a hold of. #lifehackbyshaunne :)))

 Luxury Secret was the nail polish I got. I 'd describe this polish as a dark taupe brown with sort of a metallic finish. You can definitely see the gray base but you'll notice there's a brown or even olive with a bit of pale gold thrown in there. When I saw this polish, I can't help but think how pretty it would be if it was an eyeshadow. I wonder is essence has a shadow with this shade. Hmm...

I love that it's opaque in just one coat (!!) which is pretty much mind blowing considering how affordable essence polishes are. Luxury Secret is part of the Colour & Go Quick Drying Nail Polish line. I have to say it did dry quicker than the regular Colour & Go polishes. I'm not sure how it will fare against other quick drying polishes in the market though. 

Anyway, I think this shade is perfect if you want to take a break from dark polishes like black or midnight blue. It also makes me feel like an adult, probably because the shade somewhat reminds me of offices or workplaces, and even pencil skirts come to mind. Now will anyone tell me it this comes in eyeshadow form? :D

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