Off to SG!

by - Friday, October 18, 2013

 Hey hey! So I'm leaving PH today to spend the next four weeks in SG. Can't wait to go to my favorite places again *cough* Orchard Road/H&M/Plaza Singapura *cough* and eat authentic dishes and ride the MRTs and buses and play with my adorbz nephew! Also, I'm open to collabs and stuff so do hit me up if you're interested. Hmm, what else? Ah, since I'll have limited access to a laptop, I prepared queued posts here in my blog so it wouldn't be desolated and boring. The queued posts are makeup posts of course, in case you're wondering. I've got reviews and swatches. I'll try to update with non-queued posts though. I might be MIA here but I'll be active in Twitter and Instagram (@shaunnekimberly).

That's it. Ciao!

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