Nail of the Week: essence Colour & Go in #141: Icy Princess

by - Monday, October 07, 2013

 This silver polish that made me feel like the queen of extra terrestrial beings. :P

 Of all the polishes Essence has, I went for this. Lol! Blame it on my weird/hipster side. But in my defense, it looked so different from everything plus I don't have a silver polish in my stash. Icy Princess is definitely a silver shade, almost like aluminum foil except it isn't metallic or foily. It's also very opaque and you can get away with just one coat though you can definitely go for two for a deeper shade.

When I wore it, I liked it and hated it. Liked it because it was very pretty. Hated it because it didn't really compliment my skin tone. It made my complexion darker than usual. Pity because I really like the color though I think it's not for morenas. If you like to feel like an alien queen (Halloween suggestion, yes?), this one's the polish to use.

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