September 2014 - Shash Stash

HAUL: Books + Brushes

Ahh, books and brushes- two of my favorite things! It's funny because right when I got my birthday money, National Bookstore held a book sale where everything was down to almost 70% off- and this ain't the MIBF yet! Anyway, here are the books I was able to...

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EOTD: Another Face in the Crowd

Happy Sunday, y'all! Got some smokey eyes for you today! It's another "unplanned" look and something I just wanted to try. My main shadow is a bronze-y shimmery shadow and I wanted to incorporate a shade that'll spice it up. All I know was that I wanted the...

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EOTD: My Shadow's Over You

This look is another favorite of mine. It's simple and easy to do yet it looks quirky and cool at the same time. I've always liked colored mascaras but because of my very dark lashes, they don't show up that much. Thus, this look is my take on...

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EOTD: This Twisted Cat and Mouse Game

If you already haven't guessed from this post's title, this look is inspired by Rita Ora's look in the music video of Black Widow. Rita's look was a really bold winged liner and a dark lower lashline. I have to say, having a small lid was a struggle!...

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EOTD: Turn the Lights Down

This is the 11th look already? Where did the time go?? Well I hope I'm not boring all of you with my EOTDs. I'm definitely getting used to posting looks everyday and I find doing the EOTDs so much fun. Hopefully I'd be able to post more after...

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EOTD: I'll Roll 'till I'm Out of Luck

I am so excited to share this look because it's probably one of my favorites of this week's batch of looks. It started with just the idea of a "stacked liner" (you know, those layered liners with two different colors) but then changed completely when I was already...

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EOTD: Up with the Kites

Playing with a couple of colors again, colors that I thought wouldn't go well together. I've always liked my lid shadow I just didn't know how to use it or incorporate it in a look. But hurrah, I finally used it! Here's a little BTS story: When I...

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Late May Dinner @ Kinara

May 25, 2014 Late food post again about a place that serves really good Indian food. ...

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EOTD: Make You My Star

We're back to my comfort zone: neutrals. I don't know about you but it seems like my looks are more polished and cohesive when I use neutrals. I guess it's because I know nothing goes wrong with neutrals, and blending isn't a big issue. Yep, I'm a neutral...

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EOTD: Bring a Lemon and a Bottle of Gin

Seventh look! Every now and then I love doing looks that are somehow out of the box. I'm not the most creative person out there but makeup helps me come up with looks that are different. I like creating these types of looks because it takes me out...

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EOTD: No Expectations On Your Whereabouts

OH look- color! If you weren't a fan of yesterday's dark look, maybe this will appeal to you more. I decided to go do a mash-up of a smokey eye and a somewhat pastel-y look. Initially, I just wanted a blue eye but I got too heavy handed...

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