2013 - Shash Stash

Year Ender: The Perfect Palette Tag!

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014! The new year will be here in a few hours and I can't wait! 2013 was a big blur, don't you think? The only thing that was clear to me was when I turned 20 haha! Anyway, I've decided to end this year with...

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EOTD: Dizzy On Dreams

Heya! Today's look is holiday inspired, something that involves shimmer and gold. This was supposed to be a Christmas look but I decided not to post it just because I knew there will be a lot of gold looks out there already. But now that Christmas is over,...

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Top Coat for the Holidays, Top Coat on the Go

 Hey there! The past few days were blur mainly because everyone was busy and on the go. It's a problem for those who want to paint their nails (like me!) really because obviously you don't have much time to wait for your polish to dry. Thankfully, I found...

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Nail of the Week: essence Colour & Go in #116: Gorgeous Bling Bling

Heya! Just want to show you my nail color for Christmas. :) Instead of going for the usual red or plum, I decided to make it lighter this year and this nail polish turned out to be the perfect shade for this time of year. Gorgeous Bling Bling...

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Bifesta Sebum Cleansing Lotion Quick Review

Hi there! Today I have a quick review on the Bifesta Sebum Cleansing Lotion. I first saw the Bifesta line here in Singapore (yep, I'm here...again!) around two years ago and I wasn't able to try it asap because I've been very satisfied with my L'Oreal makeup remover....

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EOTD: A Bit Old School

Hi there! Here's another EOTD which is definitely more wearable and day friendly than Caution Is Calling but still holiday appropriate since it's a glittery pin-up look. Pin-up looks are my favorite because they're pretty easy to do and recreate. All you need are eye shadows (light, brown, and/or dark...

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EOTD: Caution Is Calling

Hi there! Here's a look I did that was a bit holiday inspired. I really like holiday looks that involve warm bronze and cranberry shades so I decided to make those my stand out shades. This is definitely an evening look since it's on the darker side. If...

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Brow Fiasco ft. Rants, Lessons, and Solutions

Here's a little heartbreaking tale featuring my brows. ...

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The Five Types of Eyeliners

I love eyeliners. They're probably the most used items I have in my kit. I love how they make a difference to an eye look. Bigger eyes? Smaller eyes? A wicked wing? Just natural? Whatever look you're going for, eyeliners will always add an extra oomph. Eyeliners are...

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Guerlain Le Stylo Lèvres in #25 Iris Noir

Can I just say how weird it is to have a red lip liner called Iris? Like, really, how is it that a red lip liner is named after a blue-violet flower? Oh well. Moving on, here I have a first impressions-like post about the Guerlain Le Stylo...

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essence Pure Skin Anti-Spot Moisturizer Review

Hello, hello! Today I'm here with a moisturizer  review. Come to think of it, I think this is my first time to review a skincare product so I'm pretty psyched to tell you what I think about it. Curious? Then read on! :) ...

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On the Spot: essence Gel Eyeliner in 03 Berlin Rocks

 Lookie! Purple liner! This is the other gel liner I got alongside London Baby which I previously featured. was really excited to test this one because I want to see how different it is from Maybelline's purple liner. Well, let's just say Berlin Rocks is definitely not a...

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On the Spot: essence Gel Eyeliner in 02 London Baby

 Heya! So today I decided to open and test the essence gel liners I got in their private sale. I actually had low expectations with the liners just because they were really inexpensive and sometimes inexpensive products aren't really that spectacular. And you know what, I take it...

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EOTD: Same Old Lane

 Hey there! Today's EOTD is another look I did with the Too Faced Sweet Dreams palette. I played with the three purple shadows in it and attempted to somewhat do a 3-shadow gradient on my lid which was a bit of a struggle because I have such small...

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The Mascara: Maybelline Volum' Express Hypercurl Cat Eyes

I know this product is so two years ago but guys, I've found the one. This is it!! ...

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Nail of the Week: essence Colour & Go in #83: Luxury Secret

 After several days of not blogging (...teehee) wearing nail polish, I decided to start wearing the nail polishes I got during the private sale of essence cosmetics. Since I had 9 nail polishes, I can't, for the life of me, pick which polish to wear. So I did what...

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German Market Place Haul

Two days ago, I went on a "field trip" somewhere in Bukit Timah Road. I call it a field trip because it felt like one; it required a very long train ride + walking + a bus ride. Specifically, my trip went like this: from Dhoby Ghaut (NE...

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EOTD: Flicking Lighters

Heya! For today's EOTD I've decided to incorporate color instead of the usual neutral colors I use almost every time I do an EOTD. I snooped around my sister's makeup stash and I picked her Too Faced Sweet Dreams palette. I really liked the two green shadows so...

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essence Private Sale Haul

 essence cosmetics held a private sale in Concorde Hotel Singapore last November 1, 2, and 3. Since I'm a big fan of the brand, I went their on the first day. It really overwhelmed me because there were a lot of boxes containing nail polishes, skin care and...

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 Quick post here. Decided to be toned down for Halloween this year. Last year was a Sally/Jack Skellington kinda look but now I decided to just do stretched lips. I actually used Promise Phan's video as a guide since that video was the first stretched lips tutorial I...

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EOTD: Twisting Allegories

Heyy! I finally had the time to play with some of the shadows from the Sleek Au Naturel palette. I didn't really know what look to do so I kind of just went with whatever shadow I saw first. The shadow I saw first was a dark one...

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Hair Pop: essence Hair Dye Powder in 01 Rock in Style

Last Saturday, I was able to see essence's new collection here in Singapore: Floral Grunge. If there's one product that caught my attention, it's definitely the hair dye powder. If you love hair chalk, you'll love this even more. ...

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Monday Swatches: Blacks

Black shadows are makeup staples. You can use it for smokey eyes, for filling your brows (that's if you really want a strong in-your-face brows), for creating depth in the outer v, for lining your eyes, and for setting your creamy or liquid liner. I absolutely love black...

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San San Eyeshadow in Charcoal Brown

 Happy Friday! Here's the last San San shadow I got, Charcoal Brown. And it's gorgeooooooouuuuuus. ...

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San San Eyeshadow in Deep Earth Brown

I previously reviewed Warm Copper Fire and now I have Deep Earth Brown. Yes, another neutral shadow. :)) ...

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